I know this might sound weird... but what's the whole point of circumcision? Why has it been going on for so long, and who ever even thought of removing the foreskin?
What's the procedure like? Are the babies anesthetized, and is it an actual surgery? How old are baby boys when they are circumcized? (American boys)
I guess I'm just confused on... what the whole point is...
Medically there is no real reason to be circumcised, it's been perpetuated by many religious and medical experts as being "cleaner" or more sanitary.
Religously being circumcised would mean that the little boy would spend less timecleaning himself and therefor less time "touching" himself if he were so inspired. Hebrews traditionally do it though because of the origin of thier people where in the desert it was cleaner to be circumcised.
IMO, it's still done medically because it's more $$$ in the pockets of some doctors. It is also done for a condition called phimosis which is a narrowing of the prepuce or foreskin can interfere with urination and cause infection.
Babies are given a local anesthetic and it is an actual surgery although a minor one. It the US babies are typically circumcised on the 3-5 day after birth.
circumcision just makes it look better, if that is possible lol, the babies are not put to sleep during the procedure and it is normally done right after birth. I don't really know who thought of it but it became mainstream to have it done. could you imagine the boys embarrassment at having to explain to his lover what that little thing on his penis is. totally mortifying.
American boys are usually circumcised when they're 2-4 days old, or at least within the first 2 weeks of life. I don't think it's considered surgery- well it's out-patient surgery. The Doctor can do it at the hospital or in the office. They use a topical anesthetic, but the babies still cry and are in pain. :(
It started as a Jewish tradition, a religious rite years and years ago. I think people have it done because of cleanliness and for looks. People want their son to look like "daddy" or like their friends. I've heard of a ton of boys getting made fun of that are uncircumcised in gym class or whatever.
One of my ex boyfriends was uncircumcised and to tell you the truth it was kinda gross except when he had an er*ction. I've heard that guys that are circumcised are smaller and don't have as much feeling- not sure if that's true though.
the point is to remove the foreskin. it is a religious tradition that started w/ Abraham... a long time ago. babies are not anesthetized because their nervous system isn't fully developed and it doesn't hurt that much. the baby boys are usually a few days old.
an uncircumsized friedn gave me a website, it should help with your question, and more!
(FYI, im actually a female, just wanted to see the secltions on the male avatars)
what is the point of being circumcised . that would be different for everyone. for the jews and muslims it is a requirment. for some it IS medically nessessary, conditions such as long term catheter use, paraphimosis and a few others some it is just preference be it cleanliness (obviously with the head exposed 24/7 it will be cleaner than a foreskin i mean unless you wash under it 20 times a day), visual appeal of it, sexual preference even (kinda like some people like things shaved below, others don't)
why for so long, different reasons thru out history, ancient egyptians believed to be the first 5000bc, they were living in dirty conditions, high humidity and no modern medicine, 'simple problems' solved with anti biotics and topical creams now days could become alot worse.
the procedure in modern medicine differs from doctor to doctor. yes now days babies are anesthetized, or should be, some still just offer it on request. most cases in america and australia no it is not an actual surgery, more so equivelent to getting a tooth pulled. can be circumcised anywhere from a few hours old anytime there after.
I, myself, was circumcised at 23, a few year ago. I don't know where some of these people get thier facts from but I researched it a little before i got it. it IS cleaner and easier. it IS better sexwise, well was for me and my g/f. haven't lost any sensitivity at all, altho do feel more during sex as skin doesn't move up and down over the head. and it DOES NOT hurt to get circumcised.
Circumcision = loss of sensitivity study
Higher erectile dysfunction rates after circumcision:
When women didn't know what penis they were dealing with (circumcised or uncircumcised) 9 out of 10 preferred uncircumcised (study).
Foreskin anatomy and function (keeps the glans soft and protects it, etc).
Circumcision is extremely painful.
The USA is the last advanced nation doing it, but rates have fallen down from over 90% in the 1960s to as low as 21% here in California currently. From CNN:
Circumcision was actually promoted in the USA at first to stop masturbation (in hopes of it being tight enough to require lubes and not have skin to slide since the foreskin is already moist)
USA = highest HIV rates in advanced nations (and highest circumcision rates). CIA statistics:
Worldwide circumcision rates:
And discussion of common circumcision benefit myths and discussion of all the risks that can develop over time and negative side effects (buried penis, meatal stenosis, etc):
well, some people do or dont because of religious reasons. and the point? the foreskin is hard to keep clean, you need to wash under is regularly. i am circumcised, so i dont need ot worry about it.
The Jewish people do it as a command from God. There is no purpose for it other than that. The US is the only place that I know of that mutilate the male genitals. There is a topical anesthetic that is used but it still hurts. Try getting your labia caught in your zipper. That's what it would feel like.
Are you married and have boy babies and are needing an answer? The answer is that it is done for two reasons:
for cleanliness (so the boy doesn't have cleanliness problems in the future, and it's done at the hospital immediately after the child is born, it's minor surgery).and in some old religions it is done for religious reasons.
The whole point is that it is done for CLEANLINESS. If you were a boy you would understand that.
It has always been a Jewish tradition, but medically, it keeps bacteria from growing under the fold of the foreskin.
Circumcision was origanilly a jewish tradition. They started it so there children wouldnt be as sexualy aroused. When a penis has a forskin it is much more sensitive, so they figured if they chopped it off it would stop them from mastubating or having sex to early. Yep yep yep. And in some countries, they give females circumcisions as well, although I dont think its called that. But they cut off the clitorous so they wont feel sexual stimulation.. ouchie
according to jewish believes, it goes back to Abrahams time when he offered a part of his flesh to god. or he was ordered to do so. poeple who are not circu..d and don't keep it clean have higher chance of getting squamos cell carcinoma. It is a surgery and the baby is put under general anesthetic. it is really easy you just insert the instrument under it and pull the skin. then cut it and stich the left over skin to the shaft. jewsih people do it on exactly 8th day of birth (or 7th day)
truthfully, the bible says that men are to be circumsized.
plus, it is cleaner this way.
believe me, i have seen an uncircumsized one.
My brother was about a day old when his was done. I don't think they can even feel it. They are so small.
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