Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can you lose your virgintiy through...?

can you lose your virgintiy through oral sex?
Virginity is classified as penetration of a man's penis into a women vagina.all others are just considered foreplay.
No but you can lose your load
Well, if I had a significant other who told me that he was a virgin but later admitted to having oral sex, I wouldn't consider him a virgin at all.
Well you wont have a virgens mouth! thats for sure..
losing your viginity for a man is when you experience penetration meaning sex (not oral). with a man or woman.
Are you talking about gay sex or straight sex? For straight (man-woman) sex, only a penis inserted into a vagina past the hymen constitutes loss of virginity. For gay sex (man-man, woman-woman), ANY sexual contact means loss of virginity. So you can be a virgin in one respect, but not in another, at the same time.
well, there's the mental virginity and the actual physical virginity. for guys, losing their virginity is a mental thing and so every sex really counts... if its oral, anal or vaginal. for girls there's also the physical aspect of the breaking of the hymen so for a girl losing the virginity is through "real coitus".
No, you can only lose it with normal heterosexual activity when you insert your penis into the girls vagina. Also, there is no way ever to tell if a boy has had sex, masturbates, or has ejaculated. So if a boy does not tell he can be a virgin anytime he wants.
being a virgin means you have not penetrated a vagina with you penis...bottom line...until that happens you are a virgin...fingering a chick or gettinga b/j does not count.
Well... not really.. no..
No... it has to be entering a penis into a vagina
No you cannot.

Heterosexual sex: Penis into Vagina

Homosexual sex:
Gay: Penis into anus
Lesbian: dunno

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