Saturday, October 31, 2009

Circumcision, what does the pain compare to?

Circumcision, what does the pain compare to

how long does it last

can you compare it to some kind of pain so i can calm down

i have to get it done due to my religon, and dont be sarcastic, please be serious

and do they take the entire skin off or just the tip

THANK YOU!!!!!!!!
you'll do fine. pain reliever will allow you to survive being cut. cheers!
HAving a window fall on your penis at hyper speed
I am sure the pain is intense, but can be managed with medication, all of the skin is removed to just under the corona of the penis. I don't know in adults but in babies there is a ring left in place till the penis heals.
Full recovery following adult circumcision may require four to six weeks of abstinence from all genital stimulation and sexual activity.

Also, you will have discomfort for about two days, the gland that is usually covered by the foreskin will adjust to its exposure and you won't feel much discomfort but it will still be there.

The pain will kind of be like cutting yourself and pouring alcohol into it but then again it's different to anyone who goes through this type of surgery. I'd just recommend not doing anything for the first couple of days.
Had a guy at work who had it done at 19yo. said hurt like hell and would not have had it done if he knew how much it hurt. Was sore for about 2 months after wards and says that sex is not as good now. Plus wanking is just not the same. needs lube all the time and still not as good. says he is already loosing sensitivity in the head because it is rubbing on his underwear all the time.

Best this is not to get it done. God put it there for a reason so why remove something that works perfectly well
its not a problem at all . it was painful about ten years ago when i got circumsized at age of 7 years, but not too much. they do it with genral or local ansthesia. there are two major techniques. first one that was old is to cut the skin near the head of penis and stitch the end to just below the cap of penis. not all the skin they leave sufficient amount of skin to allow erection. it heals in about 3 to 4 weeks but i remeber exaclty that pain only lasted for first day. then after that there was no pain if you dont anyway hit it. you need to be careful to save your penis from hitting any thing for 2 weeks until it heals.
the seond technique is latest and even more pain free . in this technique they have differnt sizes of penis rings. the size matching to you will be palced just near below portion of your penis head and slight cuts will be made in skin and trapped in ring. the skin automatically in a week or two becomes dead and removes away. this technique has no pain at all. but if you are living in a poor or third world country it may not be aviabable there, . but dont worry go for any technique avaliable , circusicion is not new and has been done from the start of human life on earth and even a single case is not reported that a person died or got any problem
from it. however many cases are reported of infection for those who are uncisrcumsized. so go for it as soon as possible. the religion never asks you any thing that is dangerous it is always useful for you to act on all religion orders. God has ordered to remove this skin so it will never be dangersous.
got it. i think it will help you and reliieve your tension
Dude its not bad! You will be sore for a few weeks, but no great pai!
lots of pain like a knife falling on your penis. the pain lasts for days but the circucision takes minutes.

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