Sunday, October 25, 2009

Can too much masturbation (constant ejaculation) cause impotency and make you look older than your age?

I am 31 years old but I look older than my age. I'm thinking it's due to my constant ejaculation from masturbation. Also, can it lead it lead to some form of impotency? I've come across so many site on the web offering some herbs to replenish the body of excessive masturbation. I'm not sure those site are telling the truth.
As far as I'm aware it won't make you impotent but it will lower your sexdrive things that would help are zinc tablets suggest trying some

As to what some have said I used to premature ejaculate a lot so I tried to find a way to lower sex drive found masturbating a lot did it so I masturbated at least once a day for a year without missing a single day and by the end I don't get off very easily, kinda wish I didn't know though now I get depressed when I ***...
No it wont make you impotant and it will nto lower your sex drive or make you look older. those are all urban legends.
Masturbation does not alter your appearance, you can't tell from looking at someone how often they masturbate, and you would be far better off without the herbs
Short answer - no. Masturbation can cause decreased volume of ejaculation - and carpal tunnel syndrome, but not impotence or aging. Premature aging is usually due to drug use and smoking (both of which also can cause impotence), lack of exercise, overexposure to ultraviolet rays, or some combination of the above. However - too much masturbation really is a problem to address and try to alleviate. Twice a day is the maximum, unless you're having one of those insanely horny days that should only happen once a month or so.
yes. buy the herbs
There is no way you can "Run out" of sperm The only way sperm decreases is through natural aging. Now yes we do not ejaculate as we did when we were 12...those lucky dogs! But we do have more stress and this in and of itself can age us. Some people use masturbation as a stress realease and as such may confuse the cause with the changes in their lives...We all do it and after 30 things do change but its still fine to do as long as it does not interfier with lifes real goals and meaings
No it won't. And the internet is a bad place to look at this sort of topic because so many sights are run by profit organisations that try and make you feel really bad about something so that they can sell you a product like some pills or something.

Masturbation will not cause impotency, it may lower your sex drive during the in between periods but thats about it. Certainly isn't a cause for you looking older than you are.
I say the herbs are a gimic and would not bother with them. Masterbation doesn't make you impotent or look older. In fact it will help you to maintain a better erection down the road. It helps ward off pre-mature ejaculation and causes a release of chemicals in the brain that are good for you. So skip the herbs and beat away.
You have a set amount of how many ejaculations you can have in your life time (masturbation or not). There is no herbs in this world can change that. Do not run it out too soon. Why don鈥檛 you looking for the quality?
It appears that excessive masturbation can affect your normal sex life
If they're giving away the herbs out of the kindness of their hearts or at least telling you which ones you can buy at any grocery store, maybe they're telling the truth. Otherwise, they're just in it for a fast buck.

I don't think masturbating had anything whatever to do with the situations you are describing. Had a check up lately? That's where I'd start.
Yes you are correct. It lowers your testosterone level.
Go to ebay and type in testosterone. There is a kit to test testosterone. It is a simple saliva test that you send in to a lab.
I had the same problem. poor sleep, no energy ect. I am now using testosterone 10% cream from my doctor and feel great. Check out this web site for more answers.
See Ya
Looking older than your chronological age can be caused by many things, but (constant) ejaculation isn't one of them.

Fishermen for examle, exposed to sun, cold, wind, salt water, and injury on the job may look older than their age due to the abuse their skin has suffered on the job, not from wanking off.

Most posts to your question have offered good advice, although the mention of a predetermined finite number of ejaculatons in a man's lifetime is questionable.

The only way to determine the absolute finite number of ejaculations a man will have is when he has died, and the last one is now the absolute last one.

That sounds like it comes (sorry) from the same philosophical school as the well intentioned clerics and religious leaders who admonished their flock that masturbatin would grow hair on the palms of their hands.

That one has been debunked for a long time, and I suspect you have validated the earlier science.

As far as the impotency issue, perhaps in the few hours immediately after ejaculation there would be an issue there, but that is natural, as it takes time to recharge, so to speak.

In the natural life cycle of the male, it may even be beneficial for you in the next 10-15 years. There is a certain "use it or lose it" element there, typically associated with the enlarging prostate gland as the male ages.

The herbs are probably nonsence, with the exception of a few, validated through antedotal suggested evidence. Ranks right up there with oysters helping in that area, although they are high in Zink, which was referred to in an earlier post.

Why not just get a girlfriend with a normal healthy sex drive ?

After all, masterbation is about YOU which could be considered self centered (selfish ?). Selfish people are rarely happy, and that ages them.

Making love should be about her, and sharing, which I think would do more to counter the aging process than any amount of herbs making dubious claims on the web or in the back of a magazine.

Good luck.
Yes, over masturbation can cause these problems, I've had some of them.
Yes, over masturbation CAN and WILL screw you up. I masturbated excessively for 6 years and I say it did screw me up. Look at this site for real evidence.

There is serious medical evidence for dangers of losing too much semen, especially for those that are still growing. If your body can conserve and use the semen as ALL the traditional health traditions say, then your body and mind will be in great condition.

This is a totally new thing in our "society" to tell people to masturbate as much as they want. This is just a product of pseudo modern researchers.
Looking old has NOTHING to do with frequent masturbation and ejaculation. It's all in the genes and your lifestyle. Smoking, spending too much time in the sun and eating unhealthy foods are things to avoid if you'd like to age a bit more gently. Hey I've been jacking off since I was 12 and I'm 66 now and if what you said was true I would look like Methusila (spelling?)...or Father Time...or Larry King. Ask my girlfriend...I ain't impotent either! Forget than nonsense about herbs replenishing masturbation too!
wow u have a lot of testosterone. 31 and still masturbating wow it might be from you looking older

1 comment:

  1. The pituitary gland in our body produces HGH, or the Human Growth Hormone. The HGH is responsible for a number of functions in our body. Though HGH is naturally produced in our body by the pituitary gland, there is a notable drop in the production of HGH as we age. deep provacyl review


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