Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do energy drinks hurt your height?

yes, lots of caffine in it%26#92;

caffine stuns ur growth
Only if you cut off your feet with the sharp edge of a torn can.
no. in my opion?
Only if you bang your head on the Red bull sign when leaving the newsagents.
Only if a crate of them falls on your head
Well in away because it has stimulants in it which make your body stimulized which causes a major issue in the correct blood flow and same with needed fluids.

Basically its stabilizes your body for a certain amount of time and slowly your fat inside is detearerating because your body cant really since any sugar which causes burnage of fat and slowly it will cause you to become a scrawny bonehead that stayed up drinking to much of energy drinks.

My suggestion is to change to Vitamin water its like an energy drink but better tasting and a lot better for you which also help you build muscle mass.
Actually its masturbation that is said to stunt your growth not high energy drinks.
yes when taken they have to be burnt as full of fast sugar.

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