Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do condoms stay on in water?

do condoms stay on in water? and if they do do they work in water?
It has worked for me before. I think you need to put them on when you are dry, make sure you stay errect the whole time, then they worked fine for me.
You would want to make sure it is a tight one, maybe get a slightly smaller size if you think you are going to be doing that.
NO!! they slip a lot in water!!
yes they stay on it water unless its to big and why woulden't it work in water?
I dont know why it wouldnt...but chlorine on latex?.on my...er...that sounds like a chemical reaction just waiting to happen.
why do you need to know what have you been doing in the water
Yes, its best to screw on land instead of underwater or in your best friends pool. It would be terrible for the condom to fall off, and then be located by the pool cleaning guy!!!

Have sex in the pool house, not the pool!! Hope this helps.
why would you need one in water? shame on you. lol jk its none of my biz
thts hott
you can test this out yourself, just go get in the shower and see. it depends on the brand of the condom. like dont go buy something cheap, you probley dont want aids or a baby.
Dear Mr Romeo
Condoms are not ment to work in the water and if your trying to be Mr Romantic and please a girl in a hot-tub DON"T.The condom will melt and you can burn your penis.

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