Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do Christian Americans get circumcised too?

I was wondering if its only Jewish Americans that get circumcised, but what about the Christian ones?
Some do, some don't. In Christianity it isn't required, and it's spoken of harshly in the Bible. The Catholic Church even condemned circumcision. Even some Jews aren't doing it anymore (see groups like Jews Against Circumcision and such)

Otherwise, it's mainly a declining surgery. The USA is the last advanced nation doing it. It was as popular as 90% in the 1960s and now it's as low as 20% in California. As new studies have confirmed that circumcision reduces sensitivity and such, I suspect it'll continue falling more and more.

Circumcision = loss of sensitivity according to new study

Higher erectile dysfunction rates after circumcision:

When women didn't know what penis they were dealing with (circumcised or uncircumcised) 9 out of 10 preferred uncircumcised (study).

Foreskin anatomy and function (keeps the glans soft and protects it, etc).

Circumcision is extremely painful.

The USA is the last advanced nation doing it, but rates have fallen down from over 90% in the 1960s to as low as 21% here in California currently. From CNN:

Circumcision was actually promoted in the USA at first to stop masturbation (in hopes of it being tight enough to require lubes and not have skin to slide since the foreskin is already moist)

USA = highest HIV rates in advanced nations (and highest circumcision rates). CIA statistics:

And one study already trashed the claims of the study that said that circumcision reduces HIV.

Worldwide circumcision rates:

And discussion of common circumcision benefit myths and discussion of all the risks that can develop over time and negative side effects (buried penis, meatal stenosis, etc):
Some Christians get circumcised, too. However, the way that Christians and Jews do it is different.
some do and some don't. it is not required.
Christian ones do, I am not sure about the Jews.
Yes Christians get circumcised too. I believe it is a religous custom with Jewish faiths, however many people have it done for appearances and other reasons not having to do with religion
Not all of them, but last I heard it was about half. Some people see it as a health or hygeine issue. Others do it just because their father did. It's usually done within a day or two of birth.
They don't get circumcised because they are Christian, they get it done for various other reasons, most men in the US are circumcised.
Yes and I don't know why. The US is the only place in the world that mutilate the male genitals.
Yes,Christians get circumcised too,for health reasons.people who are not circumcised usually have problems when they get older and have to get it done anyway.

(Many blessings)
Yes a lot of Males born in US get circumcised in the hospital.
ahahahaahahahaha wtf u wanna be chopped? if no then stfu
Most males get it.
The religion does not matter.
Jewish people tend to get circumcised in accordance with their religious beliefs no matter what nationality they are. Christians generally don't get circumcised for religion.

However, the majority of American's will be circumcised no matter what their relgion is simply because it is customary to have it done in a hospital soon after birth. As a result, many Christians Americans end up being circumcised anyway even though it has nothing to do with religion.

In the United States about 60-65% of boys are circumcised at birth and about 35-40% uncircumcised. You obviously have a much higher chance of being circumcised if you are Jewish than if you were Christian, so the 35-40% most likely represents Christians and people of religions other than Jewish or Muslim.

The US is the only country where the majority of Christians would be circumcised. Anywhere else in the world Christians are usually uncircumcised.
Some American Christians do get circumcised. It has nothing to do with their religion though.

"Christians rejected circumcision at the Council at Jerusalem. (Acts 15 http://www.cirp.org/pages/cultural/chris... ) St. Paul, the apostle to the gentiles, taught parents that they should not circumcise their children. (Acts 21:25 http://www.cirp.org/pages/cultural/chris... ) In a reference to the old practices of genital mutilation, St. Paul warned Titus to beware of the "circumcision group." (Titus 1:10-16 http://www.cirp.org/pages/cultural/chris... )"
some do and some dont, well they dont have to !=)
50/50 chance they do :)
During the 1900's circumcism was very highly recommended by the medical establishment, so most males born from 1940-1980, over 90%, were circumcised regardless of religion. That rate has fortunately declined to about 53% today, and is dropping rapidly as people finally realize that it was not medically necessary. In Canada, it is no longer covered by health insurance.
Yes christians do to. Most men do here in the US.

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