Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do girls dislike a penis that curves down?

My penis curves down when I get an erection. Its not that bad, penetration is still possible, but it looks different than other guys, and honestly makes me feel insecure. I am 21, and I have felt like this all my life. I keep thinking about my future relationships and how it may affect my marriage, etc. Its driving me crazy. So girls, please be honest. Is a downward curved penis a turn off? does it feel less satisfying compared to straight penis' ? should I undergo surgery to make it straighter? Again, just please be honest, I need to know.
My boyfriend is the same way. I like it!!
Dont worry about it, almost all guys penis curves some way.
It's better for getting there g-spot when doin em from behind.
meh... i think it adds character
honey the bent ones are the best ones. believe me you have nothing to be a shamed about. boy wish i could see
If they are straight they will like it in any direction no big deal
no you have a good penis-that hits the G-spot!!!
You really NEED to see a professional Doctor who deals with uro genital problems. Ignore everyone else. Its your future. Look for a 'Urologist" and go from there.
We like a penis, end of story. Actually if it curves down, while doing doggy style it is perfect, because it will hit the right spot. Don't fret about it, it is fine.. Enjoy yourself and have your partner enjoy you.
I think what you have is called "peyronies disease"! It's not actually a disease but because of our human expectations of perfection it is classified as one! The medical profession these days will classify everything as a syndrome or a disease just to mint money providing a cure!
It does not change the functionality of the penis, so you donot need to undergo surgery. It happens when one side of the muscle grows more than the other side on the penis! Many guys have it and it's nothing to worry about. Undergoing corrective surgery for it will probably reduce the penetrative length of your penis plus any surgery is risky!
But if you want to satisfy your curiosity there is tons of stuff on the net about it!
I think curved penises are just fine and I don't thingany gurl would care
It is a problem if the curvature is very pronounced (say almost 90 degrees from straight, OUCH!).
If it still bothers you, recognize the fact that there are many curvatures(up, down, left, right) and then there are the generally straight ones. I heard that among the curved ones the curving up is the bigger group.
To tell you honestly, mine is slightly to the left. It bothered me when I was an adolescent but it seemed like it looks normal now (the curvature is not that pronounced.) It makes me jack off lefty though, the right hand feels weird.

It should not affect any relationship whatsoever unless it is really pronounced. See your urologist and ask for a professional opininon then. Otherwise, be content on the knowledge that you are not alone in that shape. And yeah, you might wanna try the doggy style... wink...
Surgery is only after a doc's opinion. It is very risky. It might even lead to a bigger problem, loss of erection for example. The best thing that you can improve is your outlook on sex. Many of the girls might have encountered different 'forms' to be bothered by it.

If it still bothers you, try looking at porn sites showing erections. Might make you gay though, he he he.

Do gays remove their genital hair?

Do gay men remove their genital hair? And do men with small ding dongs have sexual problems in having sex with a female?
Being gay or straight does not influence the removal of genital hair, more men shave down there than anyone think.

And secondly, guys with small ding dongs should not have any problems, the vagina are more sensitive in the first few inches so theretically they should not have any problems
remove hair will not determine you are gay or straight.
no some do cuz they think its kinky and stuff but even straight atheletes do it sometimes
No and No.

One more question and you could have got a trifecta !

Do fake vaginas feel and anything like the real thing. (sorry if thats a little crude.)?

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Do erections hurt??

unless your wearing really tight underwear or pants, no
no hav u never had 1 rub ur penis until it points upwards and if u can *** rub it up and down no they dont hurt i hav them all the time lol
well actually they feel quite pleasurful and warm sensationed.my suggestion would be to cut your nails and cut down your daily bobbings to only 4 time a week. if you are still experiencing problems get laid or get rid of it all together.

sincerly, Paulette Wainwrong
a hot girl that will help you with that
depends on the erection..
if its just a chubb it doesnt hurt *ive been told* but if its a raging rock hard *****,it can hurt like hell unless you either masturbate or have sex.
No, definitely not. Trust me.
Definitely not.

Do energy drinks hurt your height?

yes, lots of caffine in it%26#92;

caffine stuns ur growth
Only if you cut off your feet with the sharp edge of a torn can.
no. in my opion?
Only if you bang your head on the Red bull sign when leaving the newsagents.
Only if a crate of them falls on your head
Well in away because it has stimulants in it which make your body stimulized which causes a major issue in the correct blood flow and same with needed fluids.

Basically its stabilizes your body for a certain amount of time and slowly your fat inside is detearerating because your body cant really since any sugar which causes burnage of fat and slowly it will cause you to become a scrawny bonehead that stayed up drinking to much of energy drinks.

My suggestion is to change to Vitamin water its like an energy drink but better tasting and a lot better for you which also help you build muscle mass.
Actually its masturbation that is said to stunt your growth not high energy drinks.
yes when taken they have to be burnt as full of fast sugar.

Do cycle burn calories?

i'm afrad the it can hurt my knee klike it hurt my sister knee so how to be secure by using the bycle

and this cycle is not like any cycle it's sport cycle in indoor
Do cycle?
how to be secure?
in indoor?
PLEASE! C'mon, you can do better than that!

Do condoms stay on in water?

do condoms stay on in water? and if they do do they work in water?
It has worked for me before. I think you need to put them on when you are dry, make sure you stay errect the whole time, then they worked fine for me.
You would want to make sure it is a tight one, maybe get a slightly smaller size if you think you are going to be doing that.
NO!! they slip a lot in water!!
yes they stay on it water unless its to big and why woulden't it work in water?
I dont know why it wouldnt...but chlorine on latex?.on my...er...that sounds like a chemical reaction just waiting to happen.
why do you need to know what have you been doing in the water
Yes, its best to screw on land instead of underwater or in your best friends pool. It would be terrible for the condom to fall off, and then be located by the pool cleaning guy!!!

Have sex in the pool house, not the pool!! Hope this helps.
why would you need one in water? shame on you. lol jk its none of my biz
thts hott
you can test this out yourself, just go get in the shower and see. it depends on the brand of the condom. like dont go buy something cheap, you probley dont want aids or a baby.
Dear Mr Romeo
Condoms are not ment to work in the water and if your trying to be Mr Romantic and please a girl in a hot-tub DON"T.The condom will melt and you can burn your penis.

Do circumcisions increase your penis size?

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Do Christian Americans get circumcised too?

I was wondering if its only Jewish Americans that get circumcised, but what about the Christian ones?
Some do, some don't. In Christianity it isn't required, and it's spoken of harshly in the Bible. The Catholic Church even condemned circumcision. Even some Jews aren't doing it anymore (see groups like Jews Against Circumcision and such)

Otherwise, it's mainly a declining surgery. The USA is the last advanced nation doing it. It was as popular as 90% in the 1960s and now it's as low as 20% in California. As new studies have confirmed that circumcision reduces sensitivity and such, I suspect it'll continue falling more and more.

Circumcision = loss of sensitivity according to new study

Higher erectile dysfunction rates after circumcision:

When women didn't know what penis they were dealing with (circumcised or uncircumcised) 9 out of 10 preferred uncircumcised (study).

Foreskin anatomy and function (keeps the glans soft and protects it, etc).

Circumcision is extremely painful.

The USA is the last advanced nation doing it, but rates have fallen down from over 90% in the 1960s to as low as 21% here in California currently. From CNN:

Circumcision was actually promoted in the USA at first to stop masturbation (in hopes of it being tight enough to require lubes and not have skin to slide since the foreskin is already moist)

USA = highest HIV rates in advanced nations (and highest circumcision rates). CIA statistics:

And one study already trashed the claims of the study that said that circumcision reduces HIV.

Worldwide circumcision rates:

And discussion of common circumcision benefit myths and discussion of all the risks that can develop over time and negative side effects (buried penis, meatal stenosis, etc):
Some Christians get circumcised, too. However, the way that Christians and Jews do it is different.
some do and some don't. it is not required.
Christian ones do, I am not sure about the Jews.
Yes Christians get circumcised too. I believe it is a religous custom with Jewish faiths, however many people have it done for appearances and other reasons not having to do with religion
Not all of them, but last I heard it was about half. Some people see it as a health or hygeine issue. Others do it just because their father did. It's usually done within a day or two of birth.
They don't get circumcised because they are Christian, they get it done for various other reasons, most men in the US are circumcised.
Yes and I don't know why. The US is the only place in the world that mutilate the male genitals.
Yes,Christians get circumcised too,for health reasons.people who are not circumcised usually have problems when they get older and have to get it done anyway.

(Many blessings)
Yes a lot of Males born in US get circumcised in the hospital.
ahahahaahahahaha wtf u wanna be chopped? if no then stfu
Most males get it.
The religion does not matter.
Jewish people tend to get circumcised in accordance with their religious beliefs no matter what nationality they are. Christians generally don't get circumcised for religion.

However, the majority of American's will be circumcised no matter what their relgion is simply because it is customary to have it done in a hospital soon after birth. As a result, many Christians Americans end up being circumcised anyway even though it has nothing to do with religion.

In the United States about 60-65% of boys are circumcised at birth and about 35-40% uncircumcised. You obviously have a much higher chance of being circumcised if you are Jewish than if you were Christian, so the 35-40% most likely represents Christians and people of religions other than Jewish or Muslim.

The US is the only country where the majority of Christians would be circumcised. Anywhere else in the world Christians are usually uncircumcised.
Some American Christians do get circumcised. It has nothing to do with their religion though.

"Christians rejected circumcision at the Council at Jerusalem. (Acts 15 http://www.cirp.org/pages/cultural/chris... ) St. Paul, the apostle to the gentiles, taught parents that they should not circumcise their children. (Acts 21:25 http://www.cirp.org/pages/cultural/chris... ) In a reference to the old practices of genital mutilation, St. Paul warned Titus to beware of the "circumcision group." (Titus 1:10-16 http://www.cirp.org/pages/cultural/chris... )"
some do and some dont, well they dont have to !=)
50/50 chance they do :)
During the 1900's circumcism was very highly recommended by the medical establishment, so most males born from 1940-1980, over 90%, were circumcised regardless of religion. That rate has fortunately declined to about 53% today, and is dropping rapidly as people finally realize that it was not medically necessary. In Canada, it is no longer covered by health insurance.
Yes christians do to. Most men do here in the US.

Do boxers really higher a mans sperm count?

i was watching a tv show,and they were talking about how boxers can raise a sperm count. I was wondering if that was really true
Potentially yes. Sperm is created in the testicles. The testicles are in a sack just outside of the main body because they need the termperature to be slightly below body temperature in order to make sperm.

If you consistently wear underwear that is too tight, then the sack is not able to do its job and keep the testicles cooler.

Therefore, the sperm count is less. You really have to have tight underwear all the time, though...
Boxers allow the testicles to hang, which is cooler than being confined in briefs. Heat kills sperm. So, the idea is that cooler testicles will maintain a higher sperm count.
Their better than briefs
Yes it is true.

Men who wear briefs and bikini underwear have lower sperm counts because the testicles are held too close to the body.
they normally say it does, the cooler the area the better the sperm
No but very tight jeans can lower it. Everything can get too hot around that area and sperm like to be below body temp.
i dont think that has anything to do with that i have never herd anything about it before in my life
yes it does because in boxers there is more room but with regular underwear is tight and the scrotum is in a tight place so that will lower the sperm count but with boxers there is a high sperm count.
I don't think it is a matter of boxers raising a mans sperm count...it is more a matter of jockeys and other confining underwear decreasing the sperm count due to the increase in temperature caused by the testicles being tucked so close to the body.
Yes, because of the better circulation from them not being so tight and because the temperature needs to be lower for more sperm.




The word is "raise" and the boxers don't raise, the tighter briefs lower, kinda.
Yea.. it's true my biology teacher told us.
It's because the tighter the pants the warmer it gets.
And the warmth could kill the sperm..
I didn't believe it but i guess its true
Was the show Seinfeld?
any wear that do not keep the heat up will increase sperm count.

Do both testacles *** at the same time,or do they take turns?

Sperm from the testicles is stored in the vas deferans until it is ejaculated.
Hey STROMBERG, you need to get a life and stop being suck a jerk. It's not everyone elses fault that you are a loser, so don't be rude to everyone. People like you are a waste of sperm!

Do blood tests hurt?

im 17 an i have to get a blood test tomorrow, ive never gotton blood taken b4 and im SO nervous. i can take shots, and the shots u get when u get a cavity filled, those pich, but its not that bad. im not petrified of needles, i just really dont like them. anyways i also am going on vacation in 2 weeks, should i just go and get it done with now, or wait till after my vacation?
The only part that can hurt is they put something tight around your arm first to make the vein more prominent, and that hurts if it is too tight -- I always tell them if it hurts, and then they loosen it. The prick itself is nothing. Get it done now so you won't be dreading it.

The advice above about not watching is good -- you may not even feel it if you don't look.
Thinking about it is worse than doing it. If you can handle injections (shots) then this shouldn't be horrible, since it's the same kind of idea.
its not as bad as a shot, just a smaller pinch. It's mind over matter.
Just do it.
they hurt pretty bad actually they dont
It's not more painful then the tooth numbing needle!!
lol just don't look at it and think of something different, and you'll be fine.Good luck
nope, since when do needles going inside your body hurt? lol
Go Get it done and yes it does hurt but not really more than a normal shot. I hate them , but im super scared of needles.
Get it over and done with now, its not a massive needle just a normal one, so it will probly feel like the cavity filling shots. If your still nervous, take sumone in whose hand you can hold :)
Don't worry.mostly they don't hurt and they certainly aren't as bad as the shots when you go to the dentist.

Try and relax while they are doing it.

Good luck
hey be relax .there is nothing to worry.
i am doctor i have given hundreds times of blood test myself.
so be happy dont worry
No!It is not...
just get it done so you don't have to stress about it. they don't really hurt. there's a little pinch when they stick the needle in but other than that, it shouldn't be that bad. in my opinion, it is worse to get a shot at the dentist so if you're fine with with that, a blood test should be fine. i get blood tests twice a month and i still get nervous even though i know it's nothing! just the feeling of being in a medical places is enough to make you nervous. it's natural to be nervous but try not to worry too much.
1st don't watch! 2nd don't try to jerk away!! tell the nurse how you feel able needles, she will be more gentle with you plus she will be prepared if you pass out
Get it done now. If you leave it it will ruin your vacation. It won't hurt, just a small prick then it will be over.
Don't sweat it! Blood tests are easy and painless. But, you need to get the "butterfly" the needle is small and it connects to the container by a tube. This way when they move the container the needle barely moves. I ask for the butterfly every time and I have never had any pain, except for when they put it in and take it out there is a small pinch. The best part about blood tests is you can basically start using your arm like normal a few minutes afterwords. There is no pain afterwords like a shot does to you. It's great! and definitely the following day you would have forgotten all about it and you would be using your arm normally. Don't be worried and just pray you get a good nurse that will take care of you and not a careless one. Other than that don't worry just get it over with so you won't be fretting over it while on vacation. Good luck and Bye!
if you afraid from small needle then yeah
Pain wise its the same as getting a shot. The deference
is instead of putting something in, they are taking something
out. Fear not.
i've had a ton of blood tests because my doctor thinks something is wrong with me everytime i go so he orders like five blood tests all the time. i hate it . . . i'm going in like two weeks AGAIN. ugh. yeah they hurt but it's nothing horrible. But one time when i was little i had a really really tall muscular guy and he scared me
If you've had shots of any kind, especially Novocaine for cavities, it's definitely no worse than that. A good, experienced phlebotomist (the specialist who draws blood) is actually painless and you might not even feel anything at all. Not to worry. Get it out of the way. It only takes a few minutes. You'll be fine
there are 3 main places they take blood, the finger tip ,around the elbow, or from the wrist.

The finger is a small prick that goes away fast then they usually massage the blood out of the finger, no worse than getting a small splinter for a second, but will be slightly sore a while as if you just have taken up guitar and have been playing hard.

The elbow they tie a tube around the arm slightly tight to make your veins pop up then they put the needle in, it feels like a small sting, but far less than a bee sting. You will be sore on that one spot.

The wrist will feel the slightly worse compared to the elbow simply cause you have more nerves closer together but this is not done as often.

go ahead and do the test you will be fine in 2 weeks time.

Do bigger men have a lower sperm count.?

it varies. it has nothing to do with the size.
sperm count varies from man to man
Has nothing to do with how big a man is. Everyman varies.

Do anyone know how to lose fat off chest,how to get abs.?

They call it liposuction.

But generally good workout routine plus a change in diet is the best way to shve off weight.

The best way to develop abs (6 pak,) is to do sit-ups/crunches. Depending on your current Height to weight ratio, the thinner you are the faster you will see the results.

The following plan is to get you to do 160 of both every day; over a period of time.
At first you should start out every morning when you wake up do 40 situps, and 40 crunches; situps first, do not rush the situps take your time, However do the crunches, quickly.

Do not just start doing 160 right away for that would take a very long time and would definitely not feel very well. Do that for two weeks. Do not feel bad if it is hard at first.

Then begin doing the same routine both when you wake up and before you go to sleep, if you have a problem sweating you should do your evening routine perhaps before a shower.

After two weeks of that you should increase your # of situps/cruches to 60. You should do 20 situps first, not rushing them, then do 30 cruches, still quickly, then do 20 sit-ups this time quickly, 30 cruches quickly, 20 sit-ups quickly. do that for three weeks, both morning and night.

After those three weeks, you should start seeing some results, but do not feel discouraged if you don't.

Now you begin this pattern:
20 sit-ups slow;
40 crunch quick;
30 sit ups quick;
40 crunch quick;
30 sit ups fast;
Both morning and night.
Best advice I can give you is to continue doing this and after 6 months you will be very happy with your results.

PS. Just because you see you have some abs does not mean that you should stop doing this workout. But once you are satisfied with your results you should cut out the evening workout and just do the morning workout.

Bonus: 8 paks can be developed by doing 1/2 a sit-up and holding them for a while in that position, it hurts like hell but it looks very impressive, downside is they usually take a lot more time to develop.

Hope I helped.

If you have any questions feel free to email me
You can't lose fat from a single body part. It doesn't work that way.

Either you lose fat everywhere, or nowhere.
Well, it would be probably virtually impossiible to "lose weight off your chest". However, you can do weight training, that involes lifting weights that work the shoulder area, which will make your pecks more muscular. Buy a couple books on it if you want a proffessional perspective. As for the abs, crunches my friend! If that seems to common, get the ab lounge. %26lt;3 Good luck

Do any of you wash your balls?

I just got a new bowling ball, but I'm afraid to strip the paint off by scrubbin it too hard (there is some kind of mark on it). Any suggestion on what to clean it with? Thank you.
You take it to the local bowling alley and use the ball washer there.
A soft terry cloth towel and water...lol ? in wrong section..
Your gonna wanna wash your balls using the machines at your local alley, or buy specialized products to prevent corrosion on the ball, which can damage it and cause it to spin differently.
I hope you wash your balls, cause no one likes balls that have sweat all over them LOL eww. :)
hahahaha i read one of your answers earlier im officially a fan of yours. 2 POINTS!
If you want to wash your balls go to the bowling alley, take off your pants and put money in the machine and slide your balls in, and push the start button, and once it's done your balls will look like they are sparkling.
Every bowling alley has a special machine where for usually a buck you open a door, stick your ball inton this machine, and it takes around 10 minutes for the ball to be washed and waxed into the machine. When the ball comes out, it should be polished nice without the paint stripped. By the way, does this question have to deal with men's health?
Ball Hygiene is very important and much appreciated.
lol no i dont they smell =)
LOL.LOL.LOL Damn man you got me thinking about something other then bowling balls.lol

Do any of you men remember visiting "Kerpans" an all-male bath-house in St. Louis?

Kerpans was a wonderful old-time bath-house, exclusively for men. It had everything, including all the pools and saunas, exercise rooms, lounge, TV room, snack-bar, bunks for naps. Males of all ages, from the youngest to the oldest were welcome, and the standard dress was complete nudity. It was a wonderful place to just be naked with other males for an hour or a whole day. Do any men remember visiting this facility, back in the 70s?
No have not been I know where it was. The place is no longer in business are you from St Louis
When I got married in 69 my father in law and brother in law introduced me to Kerpans. My wife and I had an apartment not to far and I would go there. It was great. Unfortunately in the 80's the gay population in the area took it over and then it was closed down. It was though for a while a taste of the european or nordic spa in St. Louis. Fond memories. Getting a rubdown then jumping into the pool and then a sauna.

Do any boys wear briefs 15 or older?

I am a 15 year boy that wears briefs sometimes and I just want to know that I am not the only one that wears briefs ha ha.
haha man i ask myself the same qustion everyday, yea i wear briefs always boxers feel like shorts to me i dont like them
i do sometimes
They would not still be making them if people was not buying them.
My husband who is 26 will wear briefs from time to time. So don't worry about it.
I'm 16 and i don't; they're too constricting. Switch to boxers as soon as possible.
i use boxer briefs. and i have 1 red brief... lol
It shouldn't really matter but if you do its ok.
I mean if your comfortable in them i don't see why you shouln't.
And yes many men do only about a fifth of whom wear boxers but that is alot.
Yes, there are plenty of young males still wearing briefs. One reason is it keeps everything in one spot and not flopping from side to side. If you enjoy briefs then you should wear them and not worry what others are wearing. I am much order and I wear briefs, and boxer briefs, for the reason I mentioned above. It is much more comfortable when things stay put.
depending on what i'm doing,
if it formal or close enough, its usually briefs or boxer briefs,
most likly the guys around my age use boxer briefs,
and if i need support down there, than its boxer briefs.
but if not, its just always boxers.
Most do. You'd know that if you were around any locker rooms.
I'm 17 and wear briefs occasionally. I mostly wear boxers, it's your preference
My friend who is eighteen, another who is sixteen, and my dad all wear briefs.
nope, im a boxer kind of guy
this year im gonna get some briefs in some fun colors. but i wouldnt wear white ones
im 16
Boxers, briefs are for little kids
wear whatever you feel most comfortable in, it is your underwear after all!
boxer briefss =)
I want to switch to boxers, but my mother tells me that they are not worth the money...
Well I suppose I'd wear briefs if I didn't wear string bikinis But I hate boxers with a passion. I'd rather go naked under my pants then wear boxers. So yes a lot of people still wear briefs.
Hey, don't worry what other people think, wear what you are comfortable in.

By the way I'm 15 and wear briefs most of the time (occasionally wear boxer briefs).
I have a pair of briefs that are about fourteen but I no longer wear them. I find that you should replace them from time to time.

Do all men grow hair on their chest?

hell no... mostly jews and white skinned.. not to be racist maybe a few blacks too. But i personally never grown hair on my chest and none of my ancestors/relatives either. It mainly depends on where u from and basically race haha
not all men. depends on their body
Yes most men do... Except for some that have Hormone problems will not. depends on the guys genes
some of us just grow more than others

Do fat people really have small penises?

and if they do whats the reason?
I don't know if smaller would be the word.
I just think that the more fat you have the more it will hide it therefore it will look smaller.
They just look shorter because there is more fat surrounding the penis and less of the penis shows.
I think those fat people have big ones
hey who ever said that haha
Look at Ron Jeremy
I dont think that being fat affects the size but people who are fat can seem smaller cuz the fat makes them seem smaller cuz their bigger
not all but it has been proven

Disk shaped lump under left breast?

well im going through puberty and im not exactly fit...im wondering if this is just a phase or i need more exercise?
Sounds like what I had/have. Get it checked but most likely its some tissue buildup you get around puberty. I think mine never went away. I know it can be scary and even annoying but get it looked at and depending on what it is, just leave it alone.
Men can get breast cancer too. I personally new a man not in the best of shape that at 16 had to have a lumpectomy. Most probably it is just cellusitus a fatty build up that is harmless you must see a dr to be sure. Please do not put it off, get it checked out.
u just admitted u had breasts...thats great good for u
It's pretty normal for men to get lumps like that in their breast when they are going through puberty. I had that and I was convinced I would be dead soon from breast cancer.

Turns out, it's normal, and it can be a little painful for a bit. If your really worried you could see a doctor, but it goes away after a while. I don't remember exactly how long, but it might be there for a year or so.

It's a shame that boys don't get told this is normal.

Diet for Male fertility?

What diet one should follow to increase fertility, stamina and erection :)
A healthy diet in general, balanced with enough vitamins and minerals will do. It will be wiser to keep away from alcohol, drugs %26 smoking.
Eat lots of tadpoles and sausages.Tadpoles and sausages and oysters ! You'll be hopping about making babies like a rabbit with a steel rod in no time!
I have searched for some info about that problem and I think that you can read the most valuable information here: http://www.sharedjourney.com/malediagnos...
Hope this page will answer your question.
fertility-- sasasprilla, damania, zinc, magnesium

erection/stamina -- damania, yohimbe bark, ginseng

one's diet should include foods that rich in vitamin E, zinc, magnesium

some foods include pumpkin seeds,preferably raw, walnuts.
A poor diet is one of the leading causes for male infertility. To produce quality sperm, you need to feed your body with a balance diet consisting of nutrients such as zinc, vitamin B12, and vitamin C. Many men with nutritional deficiencies suffer from low sperm count and poor sperm motility as a result of their poor diet.

Did you know most women would desire Ron Jeremy as their partner than any man in the world?

Not really I did not, I actualy heard on a documentary about him that many of her professional partners did not want to film with him unless he showered and shaved completely before the shoting, he is kind of a slob, however made a remarkable carrier.
But thanks for the info, you did not mention your sources...?
No, Ron, I didn't know that.
ummm, where are you getting your information from?
I would rather a lot of folks than one man who has been with a lot of folks. ~GL
He is the biggest fattest slob in the world. Only women he can get are desperate prostitutes
"Why"? he is not very attractive when he was younger and even more so now that his years have added and his weight has gone up as well.

if it's the penis there looking at I'm sure there are more guys more attractive with much bigger penises out there that them might enjoy maybe someone with brains?

and not in the porn business.

Hope this helps...
hey jackasses.. um 1. ron jeremy is the best male porn star EVER 2. he may no be skinny but who cares hes got the moves im sure he could make any women *** in mins 3. what guy unless there fags that wax and shave there body dont have hair on there bodys 4. hes a nice guy i dk why u guys would clown on him like that...

Did they dignose me wrong ssri problem?/?

did they dignose me wrong ssri problem
I did Mri %26 MRA鈥榮 every thing came normal they put me on ssri Antidepressant drugs.
At night I took it before sleep and I woke up terrible sick like mind was not with me, doing all stuff wrong cannot concentrate and think right.
May I know should I continue with the drug or stop it.
The drug is called Zoloft.
Does it means anything; does it mean that serotonin is not the problem what do u says?



try posting in the mental health category; you'll probably get more responses. But one of the challenge with SSRIs is that it takes a while to evaluate how they work for you. Keep talking to your doctor.
Sometimes your body reacts to medications in different ways, speak with your doctor about this ... perhaps the diagnosis is right but the medication is wrong for you.
Stopping the medication suddenly can actually make you feel worse. Continue to take your medication as prescribed until you see the doctor again. You really seem to need an antipsychotic medication instead since your article links are actually about why some quacks think mastrubating robs men of the ability to concentrate. How stupid.
You have all important doubts about your dosage of medicine and health condition. At this stage I sincerely suggest to consult a good qualified Doctor and get his second opinion and take medicines That is all I would like to say All the best and I pray for your speedy recovery Yours VRVRAO

Did I inherit a short gene from my grandmother?

i am 18, turning 19 in a month and I have grown .65 of an inch since last year( I am a late bloomer and never had a big growth spurt). I was 5"8 1/2 at 15 years old. I only put on 2 3/4 inches my entire highschool career. My voice also started cracking a year, and facial hair and fine chest hair are coming out. How much height do you tihkn I can put on? And I am 5"9.7 my Dad is 5.11.5 and mom is 5'4, both of my grandfathers were 6 feet . By my grandmother is 5'2 with a tall father and a short mother?
Genes don't always play a big part in it...and parent height isn't a good predictor...my parents are 5-7 and 5-8. I am 6-1 and my brother is 6-6.

the only definitive test of height is to have your growth plates measured, which is done by a doctor, who xrays your hands and measures. That's it.

if every guy out there was 6-2 and ripped, the world would be boring. And not all women want a tall man. Some women like to be able to look your eyes when they kiss you !!
Who knows ? That would take some chromosomal studies in a lab, to know for sure. You inherit 2 sets of genes,! set from each parent,so it's like a roll of the dice. Take care. SW RNP
Yep, you could certainly have inherited your height from her. I have a grown daughter that is 5'3', son that is 6' 2" and 11 yr old daughter that is already 5'5"- I am 5'10 1/2 (all measured barefoot of course) and my own mother is 4'10"--so yes your height can vary, even among siblings.

Did i accidentally choke her out?

my girlfriend was doing a number down there, if you get my drift. It got real intense. I had one of her hands on my chest, and my legs were sort of wrapped around her neck and shoulders. She almost lost consciousness. What happened?
You squeezed the sides of her neck, like a sleeper type hold! Sicko! lol
you almost choked her to death...r'tard...
OMG! No mater how intense you get - don't kill her! Use a little brains, OK?
Dangerous Dude
It was a blood choke. Only takes 8 sec to pass someone out. It's not serious as long as you didn't keep choking after she passed out.
what a stupid question, of course you choked her out. thats like me saying i put my arms around her throat and she almost lost consciousness
should have shot a load up there when she was out of it
first off
u probably put ur yeah to far down her mouth/throut
her nose was liek in ur croitch area and she couldnt breath
and yeah u wrapped ur legs around her neck area she cant rly breaht ne ways

Did anybody tried Naigra, a Viagra generic drug ? Thank you?

not sure such a drug exists. the geniric is just that a generic and therefor would not have a name

read more about generics and why they cost so much less below
I wouldn't trust the name. I'd just stick with the brand name that you'd get at the pharmacy person to person. Niagra I believe is a fake...
There is no Naigra.
The generic name of Viagra is Sildenafil, and it is not on the market as of now.
but the effect is not the same as the original one coz it causes headache and may be skin allergy.
The true generic for viagra is sildenafil citrate. You can view info on the generic including prices at http://www.4rx.net
I haven't tried such a drug, and to be honest have never even heard of such. But here is some information about generic medicines, which is might be of some interest to you.
A generic drug is called by its chemical name (which is Sildenafil for Viagra). The difference from the brand-name drug is that the second has a brand name assigned by a manufacturer. The products have the same ingredients.
Standard practice and most state laws require that a generic drug be generically equivalent to its brand-name counterpart. That is, it must have the same active ingredients, strength, and dosage form - pill, liquid, or injection. The generic drug also must be therapeutically equivalent - it must be the same chemically and have the same medical effect.

Depo testosterone shots?

my fiance is taking testosterone shots because during puberty he basically never hit it. so hes been taking them for years now and says hes perfectly normal. I dont wanna ask him much about it because he gets upset. heres a few questions if anyone knows them that would be great!

-does he have to always take them?
-can i still get pregnant?
-what happens if he stopped takin them?
-is this at all normal?
1. maybe not always but for a long time. there are also other pharmaceutical forms of testosterone.
2. yes
3. maybe some hormone disbalance. or your fiance will transformed into a girl (joke).
4. yes, its rather typically case
This is a naturally occuring issue really but could also be caused from some sort of intersex condition. He will always be on testosterone injections and will suffer a hormone imbalance if he stops. (Side effects could include fat redistribution to his hips and the acquisition of man boobs among other things.) Yes, you can absolutely get pregnant. He is as much a guy as anyone else - maybe more so because he's adding the perfect amount of testosterone. The endocrinologist or doctor may be able to give you more info with his consent.

Deodorant question?

ok i have always used old spice high endurance deoderant the blue kind and one day i forgot to put deoderant and i used my friends spray one and it burned my armpits now there red and even though its starting to go away by itself is there any other faster way band camp is starting soon and we are allowed to have our shirtrs off
I don't understand what band camp has to do with it but some people have allergic reactions to certain deodorents and sprays.
you just got an alcohol burn is all...from the high concentration of alcohol in the deodorant product...

don't worry and relax, it'll be gone before you know it.

oh and just go back to using whatever your body is use to, until you get older and can handle the stronger stuff...

good luck, eh?!
try Neosporin
I had this same problem when i was using tag body spray. The first time this happened i sprayed, and i had a bad burn sensation on my armpits. I didnt think much of it. Everyday later, same thing happened. After the 5th day, i said this was crazy and looked in the mirror. My armpits were also red, but why the deoderant hurt came from a cut on my armpit. The alcohol from the deoderant had a reaction on me, and made my pits burned. I changed my routine to a roll on with the same effects also avoiding the small cut on me, but still enough deoderant on me to be effective. A week later i went back to the spray and everything was fine!
Lay off using any deodorant for a couple of days for your pits to heal, and don't use the stuff that caused the irritation.

Dental Dam?

Has anyone used a Dental Dam?
What was your experience?
What advice can you give for using one?
Where do they sell them?
What STD do they protect your from getting?
These days a lot of sex shops sell them

Strange how we stress how men should wear a condom during oral but hardly anyone thinks about protection when a woman is getting oral.

They can be difficult to use. It takes some practice and can limit some of your usual technique. Just be patient and take your time is my only advise for the use.

They prevent pretty much all STD's--when used correctly and no body fluids creep over the edges--except probably crabs since those can spread anywhere.
I'm pretty sure this is one of those things they tell you about in school to be safe but absolutely NOBODY uses them.

I've never spoken to anyone who's used one nor have I ever seen them for sale. I would be surprised if they're even still available.
I have used them. It was a little like kissing a balloon. Flavored water-soluble lubricant on your side of the dam and unflavored on her side increases the sensation and pleasure.
When used correctly, and kept intact, they can prevent most communicable STDs.
I got mine at the link below...

Decide on underwear?

what is your favorite kind of underwear and why?make a answer of why u like that kind of underwear please. just say why u like them and why u wear them and how they feel on you guys. please answer fast i need this answer quickly please!!
I personally prefer undergear underwear. or anything from unico. I really like it when the waistband has a big logo on it so that everyone who sees them will know what I am wearing. several really good places on the net to get underwear just type in mens underwear and off you go. then decide which ones you would like the best.
1. why do you want to know??

2.boxers b/c theyre cooler
im speaking for my man. he loves his cotton boxers so his boys can breath and be free. they're comfy, plus that's what i like on guys. he says not silk though. the material is too soft!!!
Personally, I like Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren boxer- briefs because they fit tight. Boxers tend to ride up when you're wearing jeans and boxer- briefs keep everything in tact. Plus they accent everything quite nicely.
I have a 6 inch dick, and I am 13, and I prefer calvin-klein boxers, because they have a softer waist band than others, plus I get cramps in my balls if I wear breifs.
Thongs. They keep the boys in place and its like youre not really wearing anything else. And my wife likes them
I switched from briefs to boxers when I started having to change in front of other people. I was glad I did when women came into the picture. You DON'T want to be the "tighty whitey" guy, and I think any kind of brief or boxer-brief looks a little effeminate to women. When you're hanging out with a girl, you'll be much more comfortable in boxers. Whatever you wear, you're going to get used to it and it will feel comfortable.

Death and erection?

Say a guy has a erection on. Im not just talking just any erection, im talking the hardest he ever had and then he just dies, what happens?
Does the erection stays or what?
serious question
well the blood stops flowing but it would probably stay.
the blood would flow out because blood flow has stopped there for he will not have a erection anymore
The erection stays! According to these Wikipedia photos, some deaths actually cause a man to become erect and stay erect. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/death_erect...
idk man
it would depend on the position of the body, if it was on its back laying down the erection would go down, if it were laying face down and there was room it would .stay, if it were in a more upright position it would get a little soft but would still be slightly hard. it all depends on how easy it is for the blood to flow out of it
i would want to know tt too
i would want to know the same thing
fact is many guys actually get erections as a result of death so to have one when you die would just be getting one step ahead of the rest of us. A friend of mine works with dead bodies and he says most guys are quite rigid in the penis department when they get to him.
I bought Viagra here and would recommend them. They have over 2000 prescription drugs available for you with no prior prescription needed http:/www.lesssthancvs876.com/...
It goes away, you do not get to take it with you. ~GL

Danish men, does anyone know...?

does anyone know if men from denmark are hung well? the question came up as my friend and i were talking about people of different nationalities and their sex lives. It sounds silly, but i would like a response from anyone that has had experience with someone from denmark or is fromm denmark. plz answer honestly. thx
Guys from Denmark living in the USA may be mostly circumcised, but in Denmark circumcision is almost unheard of, just like in the rest of Europe and Japan (the USA is the last advanced nation doing it a lot, but rates are as low as 21% like in California).

I have a Danish friend (female) who claims her boyfriend (also of Danish nationality and uncircumcised) is well endowed down there.

Overall, I've never heard of Scandinavian men being small down there.
If u care to know, men from India are hung well, sorry about Dan. I dunno!
It is not true
We are predominantly circumcised and of average proportion. I'm a blonde w/blue eyes (178 cm) 5'10' with a (21.5 cm) 8.5 penis, (77.11 kg) 170 pounds, hope this answers your question

Daily hair "trauma" going bald?

I am a breakdancer and every so often when trying a new move or just practicing and what not I try some moves where my head slides across the carpet and there is some tugging. Before I used to get pain in my scalp, but that's long gone. I'm not doing headspins or anything like that on carpet, but could doing simple that during regular practices cause hair loss later in my life? And on another related question one day I do plan to try headspins drills (the really fast spins and fall, not those incredibly long kind like on youtube) and other moves like that on smooth floor, like a dance floor, the kind in dance studios or linoleum. Would that kind of spinning and sliding which there is nearly none of on smooth floor, cause baldness? I'd like an either experienced answer or a professional one. The kind of action my scalp is getting is friction, and not really pulling, if anything I would think that would encourage hair growth, right? Am I at risk of going bald, when I should have hair?
~You could be killing off your hair follicles, with the constant friction. At least temporary hair loss. Do you really want to risk it?~
Worrying for nothing.
It won't help it. ~GL

Cuts on penis head and foreskin?

thier are several cuts on my penis head and foreskin. They arent major cuts but some of them hurt. How long to they fully heal?
I would say see a doctor to see if there is infection... no unprotected sex until it is healed and try and find out how it was cut in the first place!!
Get it checked by a doctor. Several kinds of infections can produce small cuts. Or have you been handling it too roughly? If so, be more gentle to see if it clears up in a few days. If there is no improvement in 3-4 days or if more cuts appear, call your doctor. Do not have unprotected sex until this is resolved.
Better use a lubricant during self arousal and stop hurting the lil guy. If this is not from an infection, a little neosporin would assist in the healing process. The biggest worry is how you got lacerations on your dick(OUCH).

Old Guy
go to ur doctor..
What you need to do is leave the cuts alone and try to avoid touching the area as much as possible until it heals. This means stopping all sexual activity (masturbation, sex, etc).

The only time you should touch the area is when you're cleaning it during a shower/bath. When washing the area, make sure you pull back your foreskin all the way and wash the area with water and a mild (preferably scentless) soap, as strong/scented soaps can cause irritations and make things worse. Afterwards just dry the area gently with a clean towel.

It shouldn't take more than a week or two to fully heal. The key is to leave it alone as much as possible. If you want, you may use neosporin or lotion with aloe vera to help speed the healing process.
air it to recover, avoid wearing brief.
A thrush infection is the commonest cause of these sorts of symptoms. Try an over-the-counter cream from a pharmacy. If that doesn't fix it see a doctor.

Curved Penis?

I have a penis that curves uprite towards my belly button and it is very uncomfortable for me to have sex... how can i solve with out surgery?
thats a big pleaser 4 the ladies.lol.but for real if it uncomfortable then yea talk to your doctor and c some of the procedures but i doubt if they can do somtthing about it
I think i saw something like this on tv once...well honestly if it bothers you, see your doctor. Sometimes it can be eaily solved but i think surgery is how its solved unfortunately.
i am not sure buddy but when i was younger and had an erection i would tuck it behind one of my leg's and stand up in order to stretch it out , i guess thats why i have a 9 incher now...
Try doggie position.
There isn't a real way to solve this without surgery, everyone is born different and that's just how they are weather or not they like it... thats why the invented surgery!
well i dont think u can change it with out surgery.. but its ok


wheres the best place to buy powdered creatine and whats the best type of powdered creatine?

...I don't have a credit card lol
Check out this stuff...


or their mass stack...

and buy it on ebay using a direct bank deposit since you dont have a credit card.
stay away from the powder type. you can get a cleaner, more pure form of it in ester form. any GNC store will carry it, ranging from $40 to $80. these are pills- they don't require any "loading phase"- you just take 2 per day, and try to take one 30 minutes before you work out. it has a faster delivery, and moves the bad fluid out, along with itself faster, as well.

Creatine. what time of day shoul i take it?

i have just bought some creatine caps and it says to take 3 before workout and 3 after . thats fine with me but should i just take 3 at once or spaced out ?
u make things so complicated!!! if they didnt tell u to take them spaced out than dont! and take them everytime u go to the gym! its not that hard. my ex used to take creatine
Spreading them out is the best.

ALSO I fell I should tell you that you should go on them for a month, then off for at least a month.
Because, you're body naturally produces creatine, so if you're freaking taking it all the time, your body will stop producing it. You'll just end of having to take them your whole life or you'll be defectively weak.
Do not unless advised by doc.

Eat only when hungry and not more than thrice a day. Nothing other than water in between. Include plenty of uncooked vegetables and fruits in each meal, preferably 50%. Chew each morsel at least 32 times to activate ur body to generate signals of hunger/fullness. Obey these signals.

Take light exercises and brisk walks regularly preferably twice a day.

U will achieve what u have not even dreamt and that too in a reasonable time. Do not be in a hurry.

Cramps daily in my legs, feet,arms?

i'm a man in my 40's , lately i've been getting cramps in my legs just sitting in a chair, this is happening everyday, sometimes in my feet or arms . should i be alarmed
Hi, sorry to hear that you are having muscle cramps, I know that they can be quite painful, no matter how long they last. My suggestion is to eat a banana every other day or raw potato, they are high in potassium. Also, when was your last physical? I suggest that you go to the doctor and voice your concerns, the Dr. should run an entire blood panel to check all your levels, at least yearly. When in doubt, check it out.

Good luck!! : )
Not enough water maybe. It happens to me when I don't drink enough water.
No, but concerned is ok. If you are taking potassium and/or B vitamin supplements and are still getting the cramps, it is time to consider whether or not you have a condition called hypoglycemia (low blood sugar). Check out www.hufa.org, especially the symptoms link, and see if this sounds like you.

My cramps went away very quickly once I started eating to control my (until then undiscovered) low blood sugar condition.
You may be deficient in potassium and magnesium. Also, if you are not well hydrated cramping will occur. You should seek medical advice and make sure it's not anything more serious.
I'm a man of 62...I get them too!...Perhaps we are both seizing up through lack of exercise!..Professional footballers get leg cramps and they are 100 per cent fit,so I shouldn't worry....I have also noted the advice given by these other kind people.
Drink more water, and do get some Vitamin B tablets.

Well that is what the doctor tells me...

And do be more active!

Cramps after ejaculation?

My boyfriend has been having cramps in his penis, usually after he ejaculates. He said they would come and go at times and he cant do anything to make them go away. They would go away after a little bit. He says its just an uncomfortable feeling, almost like a charliehorse (I think thats what you call that kinda cramp).

What is wrong? Is this normal? What is the cause of this? What can he do to prevent these cramps?
Waiting for next physical is too long. A cramp is a sensation from the body resulting in an inbalance of usually posassium, sodium, and lack of hydration to a muscle. In the emergency room, a report such as this would get the patient moved from next in line to the very front and straight back to a room. We worry about torsion and other lack of blood supply to the male reproductive system. He needs blood work, a urinalysis, and an ultrasound to be performed to shed light on what may really be going on.

Food for thought. Last week had a boy come in a week after he felt pain in his testicles. A week was too long and he lost one of the testicles due to poor blood supply.
see a doctor o.o
Tell him to go see a doctor instead of asking random people online who have no idea what they're talking about.
Cramps? Never heard of it. Maybe ya boyfriend and you, should go to the doctor! I would put my trust in a doctor on this question. Because askin people online you would never know what answer u might get! Could be a sign of prospate cancer
Is it following rough sex or all sex? There is actually a bone in the penis, he coud have spained it, kind of like a person sprains an ankle. If it hasn't had the chance to heel properly he could aggravate it everytime he has sex. He should see a urologist.

Could you really die from drinking Vitamin C pills and eating prawn/shrimp on the same time?

I heard that you'd die from Arsenic poisoning in a matter of hourse if you did. Any truth to the rumor?
I don't think so. First, Vitamin C is very safe; it is impossible to overdose on it. The most it will do is upset your stomach. The body will not metabolize what it doesn't need; that's why your urine is neon yellow when you take vitamin C. Second, I have never heard any thing concerning Vitamin C and shrimp. If this were true, I think there would be some type of warning on the bottle. I would not worry about it.

Paramedic in SC
Yes, it's the leading cause in Vitamin C shrimp related fatalities.
not that i know of
I dont know if a person can really die from drinking vitamin c and eating prawn/shrimp together, but I do know that in cooking you should cook prawn/shrimp together with citrus fruits, because citrus fruits are high in vitamin C. It is said that shrimps and prawns contains toxins, and on mixing with vitamin C they form a chemical reaction and become worse toxic product. Thats why usually after surgery or injury doctors always prohibit the patient from eating seafood (not including fish) like prawns and clams/oyster/shell types.

Like I said, I dont know about dying from eating vitamin C pills and prawns together, but I do know the last time I eat prawns and drank lemonade it gave me a bad stomachache and I had diarrea the following day and kept vomitting everything I eat for 3 days. The first thing I vomitted was the prawns I ate the night before. They were never really digested at all. Yuck!
How do you drink a Vitamin C Pill? Strange woman!
no u can try it
not that I know of, but it's best to ask your doctor if you are concerned.
i dont know try it
dont u have ur family doctor ?ask him or her or dont u trust them or u wanna just time pass on asking stupid question
This is an e-mail hoax that started in may of 2001, see the below web site for more information.

Could this turn into something very bad?

My step dad started not feeling good and then he went out side after saying he was hot and it is 100' out side and then he fell luckily my mom knew something was wrong andwent to pick him up. She brought him in side and he looks kinda white and he has a wet rag and hes layin back..he has had cancer about 3 months ago but now the doc says nothins wrong. but all the sudden this is happinen. What is wrong?
it was to hot for him. same thing happened with my teacher. chances are his senses shut down on him so that they could control his heart and how fast it pumps. he must've fainted. cold water really helps
He could be going through remission.
Best thing is to seek medical attention immediately!!!
Is he still sweating? If not, it might be heatstroke, and you should call 911. If he's sweating, then give him some cool (not cold) water to sip, and keep with that cool rag. His system may be weakened still from the cancer treatment.
he is very ill
go see a doctorr.

like duhh.
or call 9-1-1.

gahh, its so HOT!
a big shock
go to the doctor now!!

Could the promotion of m*bation help reduce sex crimes and diseases?

I doubt it, men don't rape and think " damn, I could have been masturbating"!

When someone wants raw unprotected sex with another person , they're gonna have it.

Masturbation is no substitute, but it is a convenient way to reach orgasm without the prerequisite dinner and conversation.
who knows make a bilboard and advertise it and see
Maybe, getting rid of all the lies and falsehoods concerning sex would definitely help.
Absolutely, when ppl get it in their heads that masturbation is bad, the "patient" turns somewhere else to get relief. Promiscuity seems to be their next action, if you ask me it's better to masturbate then it is to run around seeking satisfaction from other ppl
Hard core porn is a major cause of sexual violence

Comin frm a big booty girl...why are big booty's so attractive to men?

It's jus somethng I wonder lol
they are just a thing of beauty not really big just nice and round

.just want to grab it, and smack it and.

maybe I should stop
They aren't.
well...ive asked guys this question,some arent able to answer it...while others say its almost natural/animal instinct because wider hipped women are more suited to have healthy births.and less complications giving birth...not to mention its a hella lotta fun to grab onto in the act. :D
well girl its not ya booty its ya beauty.
i perfer smaller sized
there is something realllly hot about a nice wide @ss. Its just something that you really want a piece of..cant explain what it feels like but i guess its like broad shoulder and muscles to a woman or something...
Mother Nature created Big Bootys for guys who can't get a girl with a fine ***.
more "cusshin for the pushin"......LOL.. so I've heard.

Personally, I don't know, but I'd be curious to see some of the answers you wind up getting.
I do not like the FAT @SS!

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