
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Do girls dislike a penis that curves down?

My penis curves down when I get an erection. Its not that bad, penetration is still possible, but it looks different than other guys, and honestly makes me feel insecure. I am 21, and I have felt like this all my life. I keep thinking about my future relationships and how it may affect my marriage, etc. Its driving me crazy. So girls, please be honest. Is a downward curved penis a turn off? does it feel less satisfying compared to straight penis' ? should I undergo surgery to make it straighter? Again, just please be honest, I need to know.
My boyfriend is the same way. I like it!!
Dont worry about it, almost all guys penis curves some way.
It's better for getting there g-spot when doin em from behind.
meh... i think it adds character
honey the bent ones are the best ones. believe me you have nothing to be a shamed about. boy wish i could see
If they are straight they will like it in any direction no big deal
no you have a good penis-that hits the G-spot!!!
You really NEED to see a professional Doctor who deals with uro genital problems. Ignore everyone else. Its your future. Look for a 'Urologist" and go from there.
We like a penis, end of story. Actually if it curves down, while doing doggy style it is perfect, because it will hit the right spot. Don't fret about it, it is fine.. Enjoy yourself and have your partner enjoy you.
I think what you have is called "peyronies disease"! It's not actually a disease but because of our human expectations of perfection it is classified as one! The medical profession these days will classify everything as a syndrome or a disease just to mint money providing a cure!
It does not change the functionality of the penis, so you donot need to undergo surgery. It happens when one side of the muscle grows more than the other side on the penis! Many guys have it and it's nothing to worry about. Undergoing corrective surgery for it will probably reduce the penetrative length of your penis plus any surgery is risky!
But if you want to satisfy your curiosity there is tons of stuff on the net about it!
I think curved penises are just fine and I don't thingany gurl would care
It is a problem if the curvature is very pronounced (say almost 90 degrees from straight, OUCH!).
If it still bothers you, recognize the fact that there are many curvatures(up, down, left, right) and then there are the generally straight ones. I heard that among the curved ones the curving up is the bigger group.
To tell you honestly, mine is slightly to the left. It bothered me when I was an adolescent but it seemed like it looks normal now (the curvature is not that pronounced.) It makes me jack off lefty though, the right hand feels weird.

It should not affect any relationship whatsoever unless it is really pronounced. See your urologist and ask for a professional opininon then. Otherwise, be content on the knowledge that you are not alone in that shape. And yeah, you might wanna try the doggy style... wink...
Surgery is only after a doc's opinion. It is very risky. It might even lead to a bigger problem, loss of erection for example. The best thing that you can improve is your outlook on sex. Many of the girls might have encountered different 'forms' to be bothered by it.

If it still bothers you, try looking at porn sites showing erections. Might make you gay though, he he he.

Do gays remove their genital hair?

Do gay men remove their genital hair? And do men with small ding dongs have sexual problems in having sex with a female?
Being gay or straight does not influence the removal of genital hair, more men shave down there than anyone think.

And secondly, guys with small ding dongs should not have any problems, the vagina are more sensitive in the first few inches so theretically they should not have any problems
remove hair will not determine you are gay or straight.
no some do cuz they think its kinky and stuff but even straight atheletes do it sometimes
No and No.

One more question and you could have got a trifecta !

Do fake vaginas feel and anything like the real thing. (sorry if thats a little crude.)?

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Do erections hurt??

unless your wearing really tight underwear or pants, no
no hav u never had 1 rub ur penis until it points upwards and if u can *** rub it up and down no they dont hurt i hav them all the time lol
well actually they feel quite pleasurful and warm suggestion would be to cut your nails and cut down your daily bobbings to only 4 time a week. if you are still experiencing problems get laid or get rid of it all together.

sincerly, Paulette Wainwrong
a hot girl that will help you with that
depends on the erection..
if its just a chubb it doesnt hurt *ive been told* but if its a raging rock hard *****,it can hurt like hell unless you either masturbate or have sex.
No, definitely not. Trust me.
Definitely not.

Do energy drinks hurt your height?

yes, lots of caffine in it%26#92;

caffine stuns ur growth
Only if you cut off your feet with the sharp edge of a torn can.
no. in my opion?
Only if you bang your head on the Red bull sign when leaving the newsagents.
Only if a crate of them falls on your head
Well in away because it has stimulants in it which make your body stimulized which causes a major issue in the correct blood flow and same with needed fluids.

Basically its stabilizes your body for a certain amount of time and slowly your fat inside is detearerating because your body cant really since any sugar which causes burnage of fat and slowly it will cause you to become a scrawny bonehead that stayed up drinking to much of energy drinks.

My suggestion is to change to Vitamin water its like an energy drink but better tasting and a lot better for you which also help you build muscle mass.
Actually its masturbation that is said to stunt your growth not high energy drinks.
yes when taken they have to be burnt as full of fast sugar.

Do cycle burn calories?

i'm afrad the it can hurt my knee klike it hurt my sister knee so how to be secure by using the bycle

and this cycle is not like any cycle it's sport cycle in indoor
Do cycle?
how to be secure?
in indoor?
PLEASE! C'mon, you can do better than that!

Do condoms stay on in water?

do condoms stay on in water? and if they do do they work in water?
It has worked for me before. I think you need to put them on when you are dry, make sure you stay errect the whole time, then they worked fine for me.
You would want to make sure it is a tight one, maybe get a slightly smaller size if you think you are going to be doing that.
NO!! they slip a lot in water!!
yes they stay on it water unless its to big and why woulden't it work in water?
I dont know why it wouldnt...but chlorine on latex?.on sounds like a chemical reaction just waiting to happen.
why do you need to know what have you been doing in the water
Yes, its best to screw on land instead of underwater or in your best friends pool. It would be terrible for the condom to fall off, and then be located by the pool cleaning guy!!!

Have sex in the pool house, not the pool!! Hope this helps.
why would you need one in water? shame on you. lol jk its none of my biz
thts hott
you can test this out yourself, just go get in the shower and see. it depends on the brand of the condom. like dont go buy something cheap, you probley dont want aids or a baby.
Dear Mr Romeo
Condoms are not ment to work in the water and if your trying to be Mr Romantic and please a girl in a hot-tub DON"T.The condom will melt and you can burn your penis.

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